Helen Gerde
2003 Candidate Survey Response
Candidate Helen Gerde did not complete the written survey document, but responded to the Lifepac questions in a telephone interview. Her responses follow below in red:
1. Does a human life begin at conception?
2. When is an abortion permissible?
To Save The Life of The Mother _____
In The Cases of Rape or Incest _____
In The Case of Fetal Handicap _____
Abortion is Never Permissible __X__
3. Should City Governments contribute financial and/or other support to community pregnancy centers that do not refer clients to abortion services?
4. Does City Government have a responsibility to protect minors from the public display and distribution of sexually explicit materials?
Follow the legal codes.
5. Would that include the display and distribution of sexually explicit materials at public libraries?
6. Please give a brief explanation (around 25 words) on why you are pro life.
I'm Pro-Life.
7. Please briefly state or list your qualifications for mayor or a city council position.
(Not Answered)