Life Issues/Family Ethics Political Action Committee

of Southwest Washington

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Mel Cardon

2005 Camas School Board Candidate

LifePac Recommendation

High Pro- Life / Family Positions


Returned Survey

Submitted by Email

2005 School Board Questionnaire 

Candidate Mel Cardon 

1. Do parents have the primary right and solemn obligation to ensure the proper form and nature of their child's education?


2. Do you support school board policies that allow parents easy access to review all instructional materials and methods?


3. Abstinence is the only safe way for students to avoid pregnancies and sexually-transmitted diseases.  Do you support the teaching of abstinence as the norm for unmarried teenagers?


4. Should school board policy allow the on-site dispensing of birth control drugs or devices?


5. Should school board policy allow on-site abortion referrals to off-site medical clinics?


6. In what ways do you support educational choice for those wishing alternative schooling?  Indicate all that apply.

a) collaboration and sharing of resources with local home schooling families.  Yes

b) establishment of charter schools. Yes

c) vouchers for privately run schools. No

d) I do not support any of these ways to provide educational choice.

7. Respect of others is an important value that schools teach.  Does a unique human life begin at conception?


8. When is taking the life of a pre-born child though abortion permissible?

a) To save the life of the Mother - No

b) In the case of fetal handicap - No

Text Box:  

c) In the case of rape or incest - No

d) Abortion is never permissible - I agree

 e) At any time for any reason - No

9. Maintaining parental rights over children is important to Pro Family voters.  Do you support notification and/or consent before a minor (under 18 years of age) could have an abortion?

 Notification?   Yes

 Consent?     Yes

10. Should the school district allow the teaching of "Intelligent Design Theory" in addition to Evolutionary Theory?


11. Please list your qualifications for being a school board member:

I am a parent and a grandparent.  My philosophy is to always place the child first in any educational decisions.  I have thirty plus years of experience as a school board member.  During that time I have completed numerous training workshops and seminars.  I have spent many hours in the schools observing and volunteering.

12. May LifePac post a digital image of your returned survey on its website?
