Life Issues / Family Ethics Political Action Committee of Southwest Washington

Steve Stuart (D) *

2006 Clark County Commissioner Candidate, Position 3

Anti-Life / Anti-Family Positions

Candidate's Website Pro Abortion Progressive Majority Endorsement Progressive Majority's Anti-Life Agenda
2005 LifePac Information 2005 Progressive Majority Massive Contributions  

Pro Abortion Progressive Majority Endorsement

2006 Progressive Majority Candidates

County Office Candidates

Steve Stuart (Incumbent)
Candidate for Clark County Commissioner

Retrieved 9/21/06 from



Progressive Majority's Abortion Agenda


All people have the inherent right to self determination. Families, not politicians, deserve the right to make deeply personal decisions about abortion in private and in consultation with their own personal advisors. Women and men deserve all the necessary tools to plan their childbearing according to their unique individual circumstances - and in accordance with their own personal and moral beliefs. Our priorities include:

  • Leaving the full range of reproductive choices to women and men, without stigma or government sanctions, regardless of economic status;
  • Supporting policies that promote everyone's right to bear children, make personal decisions about sexuality and sexual activity, and adopt or place a child for adoption;
  • Increasing access to effective contraception, safe abortion services, fair adoption programs and accessible child care;
  • Protecting laws that leave complex, personal decisions about abortion to women;
  • Providing youth with comprehensive information about sexuality, pregnancy prevention; and STD/HIV/AIDS prevention;
  • Ensuring increased participation of women of color in the development of policies, legislation and research affecting women's reproductive health; and
  • Increasing community-based reproductive health services and programs available to women in need. "

Retrieved 10/16/06 from