David Carrier (D)
Senate Candidate,
17th District |
2008 LifePac Survey Response
David Carrier, Ph.D.
Candidate for State Senate
17th Legislative DistrictPersonal statement regarding life issues
I believe in respecting all life, from conception to natural death. I believe in the inherent worth and dignity of all people, because each of us is created in the image of God. Every person is worthy of all the love and respect that we hold for the Creator, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religious beliefs, or economic status. The Good Samaritan felt compassion and extended love to a person from an ethnic minority that was despised by Samaritans. Jesus went out of his way to meet the woman at the well, even though it was prohibited by religious authorities and she had been shunned by her own family and community. Dorothy Day echoed Jesus’ commandment to love others when she said, “We can only love God as much as those we love the least.”
Unfortunately, neglect, greed, and the pursuit of self-interest too often take precedence over respect for others and for creation. Violence, greed, poverty, and exploitation are antithetical to the ethic of life, yet they have become pervasive in our culture. Abortion is just one manifestation of this violence. Physical, verbal, and sexual abuse, economic exploitation, and “pre-emptive war” are other examples. To support life, we need to resist these destructive human tendencies and work for the common good of all humanity.
Respect for life should be extended to all creation. Nonviolence, sustainable development, social justice and peace, and care for the environment are all crucial to the positive development of the human family. The Creator has provided us with all the necessities of life and charged us to care for the earth and for one another. Being responsible stewards means sharing the earth’s resources equitably, especially with the poor and vulnerable, and those of us with greater needs. To deny anyone access to basic necessities disregards life and subverts the intent of the Creator.
I do my best to practice discipleship by imitating Christ and following his teachings. I avoid imposing my religious beliefs on others. In my faith practice (Catholic), a consistent ethic of life means that I encourage reconciliation and discourage the use of violence as a way of resolving differences. Jesus instructed us to love our enemies and to do good to those who would harm us. My ethic of life leads me to reach out to those who are suffering or less fortunate, rather than judge or condemn them.
1. I believe in a consistent ethic of life and acknowledge the full breadth of pro-life issues, including poverty, capital punishment, racism, unjust war, nuclear arms proliferation, and exploitation, in addition to abortion, capital punishment, and euthanasia. Each and every human being is unique, important, and valuable in the eyes of God. No person exists solely as a means to someone else's happiness. The choices we make, as individuals and as a society, must be weighed in light of their impact on human life and dignity.
2. It is so sad that some people’s pain and despair is so great that they would choose to take their own life. We need to find ways to better support people in pain and despair. If there was adequate physical and emotional support for dying patients, physician assisted suicide would be unnecessary. I support the position of the Washington State Medical Association and the American Medical Association regarding PAS.
3. While I personally believe that life begins at conception and is present throughout pregnancy, I also agree with the judiciary that no consensus exists regarding the question of when life begins. I would discourage abortion as a way of dealing with unwanted pregnancies, but I avoid imposing my beliefs on others. I would focus on providing the encouragement and support that parents need in order to make decisions that promote life, rather than condemning them for making decisions that do not.
4. I believe that a unique human life begins at conception.
5. Is taking the life of a pre-born child through abortion ever permissible? If there were adequate material and emotional support for struggling mothers and children, abortion would be unnecessary. I support both secular and faith-based initiatives that provide alternatives to abortion and support for struggling individuals and families. Some situations (i.e. rape, incest, and the life of the mother) must allow for personal discretion in making difficult decisions regarding abortion.
6. Fortunately, scientific progress in stem cell research has made the issue of embryonic stem cell research a moot point.
7. In general, I support parental involvement (with judicial override) for minors when seeking an abortion. Some situations (such as physical or sexual abuse) need to allow for personal discretion in making this difficult decision.
8. Participation in marriage is a decision that should be made by the individuals and churches involved, rather than the state. I support civil unions for same-sex couples.
9. Doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other medical professionals should be granted the right to refuse participation in the provision of medical services that violate the person's moral, ethical or religious beliefs.
10. Sex education should emphasize self-worth, self-control, and the requirements for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and personal relationships. It should also educate and inform students about human sexuality and the consequences of their choices.
11. I oppose capital punishment. The need for public safety can be accomplished with life in prison. It is unconscionable that the lives of so many falsely convicted individuals have been ended.
12. I am personally opposed to gaming. However, I support the sovereignty and right to self-determination of the first nations, and the Cowlitz tribe in particular. I am encouraged to see that addiction counseling will be provided to patrons of the proposed casino.
13. My professional, educational, family and community accomplishments are described in detail on my web site: www.davidcarrier.org. There is also an online forum where voters can respond to election issues and priorities at www.davidcarrier.org/blog.
I authorize LifePac to post a digital image of my returned survey on its website.
David Carrier, Ph.D.
Candidate for State Senate
17th Legislative District