James Moeller (D) * 2008 State
Representative Candidate - 49th (2) |
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Columbian Letter to the Editor
May 24, 2008
Agenda is morally wrong
A May 16 story reported, “California’s gay marriage ban struck down; Moeller ‘thrilled’ with court’s decision.” State Rep. Jim Moeller, D-Vancouver, is thrilled about the overturned gay marriage ban in California. One thing I can say for Moeller, he has been upfront and honest about his agenda for the gay community in the Legislature. First thing he did was get for all gay employees working for the city benefit packages for their partners. Now he tells us he’s not going to stop until gays can be legally married.
Now I know the world’s gonna do what the world wants to do, but what are you Christians thinking when you vote for a lifestyle contrary to the teachings of Christ? Do you think His will on Earth as it is in heaven is to promote a lifestyle that he calls an abomination?
Democrats, especially Christian ones, wake up and look at your party under a microscope of spiritual morality.
You’re destroying the country.
Name Withheld
Legislature now has second largest gay caucus in U.S.
RACHEL LA CORTE; The Associated Press
January 23, 2008
The Washington state Legislature has the second-largest gay caucus in the country after a new representative was appointed to the House this year. Marko Liias, a 26-year-old Democrat from Mukilteo, started the legislative session earlier this month, replacing former Rep. Brian Sullivan, who left the Legislature for the Snohomish County Council. Liias’ arrival gives Washington six openly gay lawmakers, ahead of California, Connecticut, and Vermont, which each have five, but still one shy of the seven gay lawmakers in New Hampshire.
That gives Washington state the second largest Capitol gay caucus, according to the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, a Washington, D.C.-based political action committee.
California and Washington state are tied for the biggest percentage, at about 4.1 percent. New Hampshire has a much larger Legislature, with 424 members, making their gay caucus just 1.7 percent of lawmakers.
“Anything that we can do, me as an individual, or us as a state, to be leaders on this issue and be role models is excellent,” Liias told The Associated Press Wednesday. “The message really is, everyone deserves a stake in Washington, and everyone has a stake in Washington’s future.”
Liias joins Reps. Jamie Pedersen, D-Seattle, Jim Moeller, D-Vancouver and Dave Upthegrove, D-Des Moines, and Sens. Ed Murray, D-Seattle, and Joe McDermott, D-Seattle.
Full article at these addresses: http://www.thenewstribune.com/news/updates/story/262865.html,
http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/politics/2004142067_gaycaucus24m.html, http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/6420ap_wst_xgr_gay_caucus.html, or