2009 School Board Survey
My responses are in green.
1. Does a school district
have a serious responsibility to teach students a consistent
ethic regarding respect for all human life? A consistent ethic
of life addresses first the issues of abortion and euthanasia
and other issues such as poverty, capital punishment, war,
racism, nuclear arms and exploitation. Each and every human
being is unique and important, no person is defined by someone
else's choices, and no one exists solely as a means to someone
else's happiness. The choices we make, as individuals and as a
society, must be weighed in light of their impact on human life
and dignity. Does a school district have a serious,
professional responsibility to teach students a consistent ethic
regarding respect for all human life?
Of course.
2. The Washington State Legislature passed
ESSB 5297 IN 2007 requiring school districts to teach
"scientifically accurate" (aka comprehensive) sex education, if
they teach sex ed at all. The typical comprehensive sex
education program spends as little as 5% of the time teaching
abstinence principles (Zogby
3/27/07), instead spending significantly more time teaching
students how to put condoms on models of male genitalia and
promoting alternative forms of sexual activity called
outercourse, which may include showering together and mutual
masturbation as effective ways to avoid pregnancy and disease.
In contrast, an emphasis on abstinence means teaching students
about building healthy relationships and bolstering self worth
and self-control. Will you as a board member promote an
emphasis on building abstinence and relationship skills in any
sex ed program used, and oppose to the promotion of sexual
Of course.
3. Is it scientifically accurate
and honest to teach that human life begins at conception?
Consider what new mother Bristol Palin, daughter of vice
presidential candidate Sarah Palin recently said: "If girls
realized the consequences of sex, nobody would be having sex"
and "Trust me. Nobody." (People
Magazine, May 20, 2009). Can and should school districts
clearly teach students that human life begins at conception?
4. Should school board policy allow the on-site dispensing of
birth control drugs or devices, give abortion counseling, or
provide referrals to off-site abortion clinics?
No. Schools should direct parents and students to a licensed
general physician or family medical doctor.
The 14th Amendment states "nor shall any state deprive any
person of life, liberty or property without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws." The Supreme Court in
Roe v. Wade, 1973, stated that "if this suggestion of
personhood is established, the appellant's case, of course,
collapses, for the fetus' right to life would then be guaranteed
specifically by the [14th] Amendment." The Court regrettably
concluded though that "we need not resolve the difficult
question of when life begins. When those trained in the
respective disciplines of medicine, philosophy, and theology are
unable to arrive at any consensus, the judiciary, at this point
in the development of man's knowledge, is not in a position to
speculate as to the answer." Do you believe that life
begins at conception and that the "right to life" of the fetus
is "guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment"?
taking the life of a pre-born child through abortion ever
permissible? Check all that apply:
Legally, lawmakers and the courts are in charge of such
determinations. Morally, I believe it should not be
permissible, except in crisis situations where both mother and
fetus are in peril and difficult medical judgments must be made
in consultation with professionals.
_____ No, it’s never permissible
_____ Yes, to save mother's life
_____ Yes, in cases of rape or incest
_____ Yes, for physical deformity
_____ Yes, for genetic predispositions |
_____ Yes, for gender
_____ Yes, for race
_____ Yes, for economic hardship
_____ Yes, to punish spouse
_____ Yes, it's always permissible |
7. Do you support parental notification and/or consent before
a minor (under 18 years of age) could have an abortion? A
judicial bypass of parents would be allowed when necessary.
Should your school district partner in any way with the nation's
biggest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood? This
organization received over
$350 million dollars in governmental grants and contracts
last year, and aborted over 305,000 babies. Should Planned
Parenthood be allowed to make presentations to students or
provide literature, birth control chemicals or devises, or
abortion services?
No. However, they may be able to host general community
education forms outside of class times.
The Supreme Court in
Zelman v. Simmons-Harris (2002), held that Ohio's school
voucher law did not violate the First Amendment's establishment
clause. It states "the Ohio program is entirely neutral with
respect to religion. It provides benefits directly to a wide
spectrum of individuals, defined only by financial need and
residence in a particular school district. It permits such
individuals to exercise genuine choice among options public and
private, secular and religious. The program is therefore a
program of true private choice" and "the program does not offend
the Establishment Clause."
Blaine Amendments, as both Ohio and Washington State have,
can permit school vouchers at times because State funds go to
parents who "exercise genuine choice" in choosing where the
voucher will be used at. What is your position regarding the
use of school vouchers or other school choice options in
Washington State?
I am supportive of choice, including the expanded use of Running
Start and similar career and technical education programs.
Please state your professional experience, community
involvement, education and other qualifications for a school
board position.
I am standing for election after being appointed to the Board
last fall, and having proven myself by navigating controversial
policy, hiring a superintendent, making significant budget
adjustments, and actively participating in other Board matters.
I serve on two national boards, two local boards, and
successfully operate my own business. I bring 25 years of
experience in business, primarily communications.
11. May LifePac post your returned
survey on our website? Your response is only posted with your
permission. Please give your
campaign web address if you have one.
Yes. I do not have a campaign web address.
Ron D. Arp
Amplify Group, Inc.