Life Issues / Family Ethics Political Action Committee of Southwest Washington 

Jack Burkman

2009 Vancouver City Council Candidate, Position 1

Clark College Trustee Jack Burkman

  Campaign Website  

Library Porn Position
LifePac Commentary
Aug 2009

Regarding Columbian Article:

Library board OKs tougher Internet policy
TOM VOGT, Columbian staff writerColumbian.  Vancouver, Wash.:Oct 14, 2003.  p. A1 

Voters rejected 2 library bonds after the failure of the library board to act responsibly and filter out the porn.

Burkman finally vote to filter porn and make porn surfing against library policy in 2006.

When Burkman was on the Vancouver City Council, he also did not take the opportunity to support filtering out porn in the library when it came up at multiple meetings, and when the Mayor recommended library board members.