Life Issues / Family Ethics Political Action Committee
of Southwest Washington

William Miller
2020 Governor Candidate  



LifePac Research:

---------- Original Message ----------
From: william miller
Date: 08/03/2020 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: voting info.

Yes thanks you very much 

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 3, 2020, at 2:16 PM, wrote:
Bill, I need to know if I can put you on, a website that lets all us Profliers know where you stand on this subject to help you get elected?  And how can we state it, do you want us to post it as you have already told me? Eva
On 07/31/2020 8:58 AM william miller wrote:

I am pro life !!!!! during this covid 19 limit procedures on unborn many people will adopt the life of a new.