Life Issues / Family Ethics Political Action Committee of Southwest Washington

Referendum 90
Vote Reject To Overturn SB 5395
2020 SeXXX Ed

State Referendum Information Yes On 90 Campaign

This referendum, by rejecting it, will nulify SB 5395 that mandates ideologically driven, unscientific, failed and inappropriate sexxx ed for grades K - 12.  R-90 was certified to be on the ballot with a record number of valid signatures!  "Children can’t be opted out of schoolyard discussions and the culture change that takes place at schools with CSE [Comprehensive Sex Ed]."

The Catholic Bishops of Washington State oppose R-90

More information here:

Lots of good information here:
Informed Parents of Washington and here on Facebook

SW Washington, Parents' Rights In Education

Crosscut: WA voters to decide whether to mandate sex ed in schools

Pro R-90 Website

Planned Parenthood below called SB 5395 (R-90) their bill:
Seattle Times article referenced here.

A video on the worldwide seXXX ed agenda:

  Video of Petition Presentation, 266,000 Signatures!