Life Issues / Family Ethics Political Action Committee
of Southwest Washington

Steve Sharon
2020 Commissioner of Public Lands Candidate  



LifePac Research:

---------- Original Message ----------
From: steve sharon
Date: 08/03/2020 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: voting info
Sure.  Thank you.
I believe life begins at conception in the womb.  I believe abortion is murder.  I believe a fetus is a human life.  I believe a fetus regardless of age is a baby.  I believe a baby's right to be born far outweighs a woman's right to convenience.  I will work to overturn Roe V. Wade at any opportunity.  I believe those who say they are pro-choice are arrogant, and insane.  They do not have the right to kill their child, or anyone else's.  I believe doctors who practice abortions are murderers.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at 2:07 PM wrote:
Steve, I need to know if I can put you on, a website that lets all us Profliers know where you stand on this subject to help you get elected?  And how can we state it, do you want us to post it as you have already told me?