![]() Setting Up A Pro-Life PAC For Your Area How We Did It LifePac began in May of 2001 as a private effort to research local candidates on pro life issues. Once this information was gathered it seemed good to make these findings available to other pro-life voters by means of the internet. We learned how to create and edit web pages and then how to post them to the web by means of an internet hosting service. Political signs were needed to promote the website and registration with the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) was required. These three elements, a website, political signs and PDC registration are the essentials for setting up a regional pro-life political action committee (PAC). Website We use advanced website editing software, but one can start with Microsoft Word and save your work as web pages, then upload them using web based publishing provided by the hosting service for your website or a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program such as Filezilla. The hosting service we use is 1&1 Internet. Whatever hosting service you use will give you opportunity to register a domain name, so think of a good, memorable one.
We have used several sign makers in the past. Campaign Pros has an easy to use website and good prices. Do a web search for corrugated plastic signs to find the best deals.
See the Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) website at
http://www.pdc.wa.gov/ for full
information. LifePac uses the mini report option
requiring only one report each year, which is the annual
re-registration submitted in January. If you would like further assistance in setting up a regional pro-life PAC for your area, email us.