Life Issues / Family Ethics Political Action Committee

of Southwest Washington

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Summary of Public Record Incident Reports for FVRL

These public records are available from FVRL. Some reports were made at FVRL library board meetings or city council meetings.

In late 1999, FVRL sunk Internet computers into expensive recessed screens and added hoods in response to complaints about exposure of children and others.  The complaints continued. In 2004, the number of unfiltered computers was reduced, and unfiltered computers have been placed up against walls in a few branches, with printers for unfiltered computers. Over half of FVRL computers are still unfiltered with  pornography viewing and printing permitted, usually near the filtered terminals, (downtown they are back to back with the filtered computers). 

In other libraries where pornography  is  filtered and prohibited, computers are often on desk tops and staff monitor use. FVRL staff  are directed not to monitor use and have testified that it would be difficult to do due to the hidden screens. The following complaints are based mostly on library visitor complaints since staff do not monitor use.

The records of previous years indicate that as long as pornography is allowed, situations reported previously will likely arise again.  These include porn printouts handed out or left around the library, obscene behaviors at library computers and in bathrooms using Internet printouts as a stimulant, adults including sex offenders registered and unregistered “under the influence” in libraries full of kids and teens, etc. Is hiding the problem as beneficial as solving the problem?


Incident Reports 2004-2005 (23 reports) 

At 7:30 p.m. Tuesday (Oct. 14, 2005), I went into the downtown branch, walked over to the computer corner, slipped behind the three adult males sitting at the bank of four terminals marked "UNFILTERED" and glanced at the screens. Two of them were pornography."


January 14, 2004 Vancouver Downtown

Patron sat down to use Internet. The previous user had not logged out, and had left a box on the screen. When the patron clicked on it to get rid of it, it opened up a screenful of sexually explicit material. Patron  quite upset, said she’d never seen anything like that before in her life, and what if her son, (who was typing a paper on a different terminal) had seen it. She said she would not vote for another cent for this library until this problem was taken care of.


March 1, 2004 Vancouver Downtown

Patron found several sexually explicit printouts in her tray when she went to pick up copies from the Internet. Her specific question is,  “What are my rights?”


March 4, 2004 Vancouver Downtown

Group of students reported a man on the Internet looking at “girlie” site.


March 4, 2004 Washougal 

Mom comes for story time with her children and another family. A patron who comes to the library every morning was using Internet Station #3. Patron handed staff a note that read, “The guy at the computer is looking at porn-it makes us uncomfortable with our kids here.” Man quickly gets his printouts out of the tray after the note is passed.


March 5, 2004 Vancouver Downtown

I conducted an 8th grade school tour/research session this morning. Several of them noticed that a man was looking at porn and kept walking by to get a look.  The teacher asked if it was permitted for him to be accessing those kinds of web sites. I explained that we cannot restrict them if it isn’t illegal material (eg. Child porn).

The man printed out a page and the teacher asked if that was allowed, and I said it was as long as he didn’t distribute it.  She commented on the bond election and how she feels it’s important to support the library but,  experiencing objectionable materials on the screen herself and with her students, she is seriously considering voting NO.


March 12, 2004 Vancouver Downtown

Patrons found sexually explicit printout in printer tray. Both requested that the library filter the Internet.


March 20, 2004 Vancouver Downtown

Patron told me at the info desk that someone was printing a lot of sexually explicit material which his child who was standing by the printer, had seen.  The child, about 3 or 4 years old had picked up some of this material. I looked at the tray and seeing that it was very full and the patron was still printing I asked him to pick up his print material, which he did.


March 30, 2004  Vancouver Downtown

I was in the library and I happened to look over at the computers and there was an old man looking at porn. I believe that this is a place where children should be able to read and learn, and not have to worry about perverts looking at porn.  Please ban this problem before it gets worse.  He also printed out naked pictures of women.


April 14, 2004 Washougal

Man porn surfing, another patron complains he was next to door as young children entered the library and could have easily seen his poor choices.


April 2004 Washougal

Man printing out nude pictures. One pops up in printer under nose of young girl.


April 21, 2004 Vancouver Mall

Patron called to complain about another patron viewing “child pornography” on Internet computer #4. I went to computer and viewed nothing but words on the screen.  I told the caller that if in fact things prohibited were viewed, it should be brought to our attention at the time, not relayed by phone after the fact. She said she will never bring her children back to the library, for fear of the children being raped in the stacks.


May 14, 2004 Battle Ground

Man printing sexually explicit materials from Internet. I told her as far as printing, we don’t restrict the content of what’s printed unless it were child pornography.


May 22, 2004 Washougal

Mother explains that her son who is a regular library patron has been bringing print materials which contained sexually explicit images home since December.  Staff informs the mother about option to block Internet access for her son.  She didn’t know that was available and asked to have it blocked.


July 10, 2004 Vancouver Mall

Father said his daughter has the enhanced filter level on her card and has received sexually explicit emails.  He would like the filter to exclude those types of sites.


September 20, 2004 Vancouver Downtown 

“My son is 12 years old. While waiting for his turn on the computer he was wandering around the computer area and noticed several screens on porn pages.”


September 21, 2004

I am disgusted the library’s policy to continue to have pornographic material available to minors.


August 23, 2004 Vancouver Mall

Staff observed patrons looking at sexually explicit sites on filtered terminals. I inadvertently saw the explicit printouts while helping another patron.


Oct. 26, 2004- Washougal

Woman called to say that her son who is a regular library patron found porno in the printer tray.  He said he thought it was a man with a black hat and beard who printed it. Staff replied that “unfortunately, some people leave pornography around to be provocative.”  Mom says “Porno at the library –that’s not right!”


January 10, 2005 Vancouver Mall

Patron thought policy was designed to protect children from inadvertently viewing porn around public terminals. Patron recently saw a person looking at objectionable material at a terminal a child could have wandered past.


March 3, 2005 Woodland

The privacy covers did not exclude me from seeing pornography of a graphic nature from my neighbor’s computer.  It made me feel very uncomfortable because school across the street let out and young boys were waiting to use the computer.  While they were waiting they were getting lots of drinks of water where they could plainly see the screen of pornography.  I don’t think pornography a public library is the place for pornography where children are exposed to adult conduct. The person used almost his whole hour to look at pornography.  I don’t think children need to see this on a computer screen.


March 31, 2005 Battleground

Son was viewing sexually explicit material on a filtered computer.  Informed staff the filter wasn’t working.


April 2005  Vancouver Downtown

User wrote letter to editor about users viewing pornography on the unfiltered Internet on  three out of three visits to the library.


June 2, 2005 Vancouver Downtown

I don’t like my taxes to pay for people watching porn at my library.


Incident reports October 2002 to December 2003

Oct. 19, 2002-Downtown Vancouver- Man requested help from staff to look up pornography, since he didn’t know how to use the Internet. Staff did not want to provide assistance, showed him other sites.

Oct. 20, 2002-Vancouver Mall- Woman was upset that son had printed Internet pornography. Asked what she could do. Her son was 18. Library explained there was nothing they would do, it was up to the son. She also wanted all the pornographic magazines out of the library. Library said they didn’t have any, but patron said they must, because her son had checked some out, and this was the only library he was taken to.

October 28, 2002- Downtown Vancouver- Patron waiting in Internet line noticed that 2 of the terminals facing walkway were being used by patrons viewing pornography and she was upset. She could not believe that a government agency would condone this type of behavior. She wrote a note, "I’m sure if more people knew the library was allowing this, they’d be very upset. I cannot believe the library allows internet users to view porn!!!!"

November 7, 2002-Downtown Vancouver. Male patron came to talk to director. He was in the library using the internet. When he picked up his print job, there were 2 pictures of nude women in the bin. He usually sends his 5 year old son to pick up the printouts, so he was very upset. He wanted to know what we were going to do to prevent this from happening in the future. Library explains that they will start charging for printing soon.

November 9, 2002-Downtown Vancouver- Patron complained that he was walking by the internet terminals and some user was viewing "pretty graphic pornography". He was concerned about this happening if his daughter walked by. He asked if people were allowed to view whatever they wanted. Library explained yes they were and only child pornography is illegal.

Nov. 14, 2002- Downtown Vancouver. Patron objects to pornographic materials on the library Internet for any age. Thinks it contributes to sexual crimes and is not suitable for a public building.

November 17, 2002 – Downtown Vancouver- Patron with her children at the internet terminals and informed staff her children had again seen sexually explicit materials and she was tired of it.

November 21, 2002- Downtown Vancouver. Noticed a patron who is frequent internet user downtown and at the mall. I noticed him pick up materials from the printer. He dropped some of them, and I saw that it contained sexually explicit printouts. He then proceeded to the bathroom. I wondered if he was the person who left materials in the bathroom a few days earlier that prompted another complaint. I went to the bathroom about 15 minutes later and found the printouts in the bathroom waste receptacle.

December 6, 2002- Washougal . Mother came in looking for her daughter. Found her looking at the internet with friends and angrily asked her to leave. Wrote a note to the library to stop her daughter’s Internet access. Library sent a letter to the mother informing her of the option to change to No Internet Access, but this wouldn’t help if the daughter came in with friends who had Internet access. The letter was returned, phone number was disconnected, no response.

Dec. 11, 2002-Downtown Vancouver- An Internet user was observed taking sexually explicit materials from the Internet to the upstairs bathroom. Staff to patron that the printouts be wadded up and pushed into garbage when thrown away.

December 12, 2002- Downtown Vancouver- Erotic fiction printed from Internet placed in library book drop. Included banners with sexually explicit images. Found this note that accompanied the printouts. "I sat in line to use the computer and watched the guy at #12 print out page after page of pornography. So I put them in this slot instead of the garbage."

Dec. 17, 2002-Downtown Vancouver- man called to ask why the age of 13 was chosen to filter out Internet pornography. Library didn’t know, and referred him to business office.

Jan 19, 2003-Downtown Vancouver. Female patron asked if patrons are allowed to download child pornography at the library. Library explained difficulty of determining if is really is child pornography. Patron said it was a photograph of a 4 year old child having sex that another patron downloaded to a floppy disc.

January 23, 2003- Downtown Vancouver. Library staff sees Patron viewing a photo of a female child lifting her shirt up. Library approached patron and noticed he was viewing anime depictions of children in sexual situations. Library notes that the female lifting the shirt might be child pornography, but the anime was not. This was the same patron from the Jan. 19 incident. The police were not called according to the report. Instead, the patron was informed he should not view or download this material anymore, or the police would be called. He left with printouts, which were not seen by staff, who did not ask to see the printouts.

Jan. 25, 2003- Three Creeks- Daily library user complained about another patron viewing obscene materials when children were in the immediate area. Wanted to know if the library was going to take any action, or whether he should call the police the next time he witnessed such behavior.

May 15, 2003 "My son was able to access pornographic websites from an internet terminal at the main library, in spite of having a "filter" on his account. These sites had names that explicitly described their content (ie. and hence should have been blocked. My concern isn’t just for my own child, but numerous others who could easily access objectionable material that should be blocked. It looks as if the filter if offline right now."

July 31, 2003 "I was here with my 3 children using the internet access computers. The man sitting next to us was visiting child pornography sites (ie. "Teen Sluts" etc) Is is objectionable to me that people are able to visit pornography sites in a public library where children are also using the computers, but I find it particularly offensive that the library has no blocks on sites that are clearly illegal and protects the ‘freedom’ of this pervert but does nothing to protect or prevent the children from being exploited- and unwittingly exposed to the garbage. BLOCK THESE SITES! STOP THIS ABUSE!"

July 31, 2003- Three Creeks. Female patron complained that another patron was looking at child pornography on a website called "Teen Sluts", and was adamant that she observed the patron looking at children. Her teenage daughter and pre teen son were sitting next to him and could have easily seen it also. Staff spoke with the porn surfing man, and the woman left the library with her children. Staff talk with patron about library policy, that child pornography is illegal. Patron said it was a pop-up screen. The female came back into the library a few minutes later because the man had followed her and was harassing her by blocking her car and writing down her license plate number.

August 2, 2003- Downtown Vancouver. About 6:05 PM found sexually explicit printouts covering the floor of a downstairs’ men’s bathroom stall. Threw them in the trash.

August 3, 2003. Female asked for help to turn off the porn on #5. Man on number #14 across from there also had the same problem. Resetting the computer did not fix it. Contacted IT for help.

August 12, 2003 Three Creeks. Patron denied accessing child pornography or harassing the patron in the parking lot.

August 22, 2003- Woodland. Boy first received filtered Internet status. He and siblings became daily internet users. After a few weeks, the mother came to the library and was upset that her son had been printing out pornography at the library. Access was changed to blocked. Boy went upstairs and was in the bathroom.

September 14, 2003-Downtown. Patron got a library card and headed to the non-fiction area. To get there, had to pass by about 10 Internet stations. An older man was hunched over looking at pornography on the computer. These computers have "Shields" on them, but obviously they are not effective since Patron looked from several angles and was able to see what this person was looking at. This was around 11 AM on a Saturday, lots of people including children. The man was also printing off many pictures and had a pile of them spread out on his desk. There is no shield on the printer, so when he prints off and goes to collect them every 5 minutes, anyone can see the pornography in the printer tray also. People looking at Internet pornography should do it in the privacy of their own home, not in a public taxpayer funded community center where children are present. To go to the community library and have this right out in the open is shocking and appalling. Patron was furious and asked at the desk if people are allowed to look at pornography on library computers. Staff replied that anyone is allowed to look at whatever they want. Informed patron she could fill out a complaint card, but there was nothing they could do. Went back to the books and saw a 4 year old boy about 15 ft behind the man viewing pornography. He had a confused look on his face and was looking towards the man. From the look on the child’s face, it appeared he had been exposed to the Internet pornography that was in full view of everyone. Researched the issue and learned that the American Library Association has no problem with pornography in the library. Porn viewing people have rights that override the harm caused by a child being exposed to this in a library that my tax dollars pay for. Patron does not think it is a safe environment for children or female librarians. What type of person would look at pornography in public? Sex offenders or potential sex offenders? Police said this has been an ongoing problem. Something needs to be done about this. Public libraries should be a safe, nurturing environment for children. We should do everything possible not to expose youth to harmful materials. Please respond.

Sept. 16, 2003- Downtown Vancouver. Why do you let anybody look up sex on the computer?

Sept. 16, 2003 –Patron reports that when he was in the restroom, another patron was looking at pictures in front of the urinal and implied he was masturbating.

September 17, 2003 Mother and daughter were using PAL system. Girl picked up some material from the printer by mistake that was from Internet terminal #1 and brought them to her mother. The mother replaced them, and informed the library staff that the pictures were of naked young girls. Library staff checked, and they were naked adults. Patron was warned that child pornography is a felony.

October 10, 2003-Ridgefield Woman came in and looked at what boys were viewing on the computer, and complained to staff that it was nude pictures. She left with the boys and was quite upset , and said something like, "they can’t get that at a bookstore, they shouldn’t be able to get it in the library."

October 16, 2003- BattleGround. Woman came to use internet and found it loaded with pop-up ads for porn sites. It locked up the computer. These were extremely graphic ads. Her concern was that a child could see the ads. The computer had been locked up like that for about an hour.

October 19, 2003- Vancouver Mall. Woman complained about a man looking at some really disgusting stuff on the internet. He was allowing children that were not with him to look over his shoulder. She tried to speak to the mother, but wasn’t sure if she understood because she was Russian.

October 19,2003 Downtown Vancouver, Patron went to use computer and previous history contained explicit site, possibly even "child pornography".

October 23,2003 Downtown Vancouver. Female patron logged on, and porno sites came up. This complaint is coming up somewhat regularly on different computers each time.

October 29, 2003 Downtown Vancouver. Pornographic printouts in the book drop.

Oct. 29, 2003. Downtown Vancouver. Two young patrons came in to use the internet. A porno site popped up. I went to the computer and viewed a site composed of photographs of small children being raped. Offered another computer, but the young woman just wanted to leave and was upset.

Nov. 4, 2003- Three Creeks. Woman called to complain about 2 young teens looking at internet "porn" the previous night when she was using the Internet. She informed library that many libraries filter porn, gambling etc. , and objected to fact these were just teens. She was angry.

November 7, 2003-Downtown Vancouver – porn pop up, staff required.

November 8, 2003- Downtown Vancouver Patron confronted by X rated websites and pop ups on internet. Rebooted and corrected it.

Nov. 18, 2003- Downtown Vancouver Woman asked if the internet was monitored in any way. She informed staff that a man was looking at pornography, and that it bothered her immensely. The man was a regular patron.

Nov. 30, 2003- Downtown Vancouver. Woman came to the library with children and sat in soft chairs near the Internet computers on the left. Her son headed to the left, so she check to see where he was going, and observed and older man on the end computer viewing and printing pornography. Full pictures were on the screen. She is appalled. He left the pictures up while he went to ask for more paper so he could keep printing it out. "This behavior in a public library where my children regularly come is unacceptable. His using my tax dollars to fund his sick habit is enough to make me never return. At this rate the library will be titled FVRL XXX!!!"

Dec. 2, 2003 Downtown Vancouver. Mother and daughter using internet for homework. Pop-up pornographic images appeared. Mother blamed daughter, who explained they just popped up. The mother was Russian and spoke limited English, and was very angry, and could not understand what had happened. Library said they would send a letter in Russian to explain the situation.

Dec. 6, 2003-Battle Ground. Mother complained about pop-up of aborted baby that appeared on the screen her son was using.

December 8, 2003- Three Creeks Patron signed onto the library computer, opened Word and was presented with a pornographic image. This is not an acceptable situation. Patron is in the process of introducing my 7 year old granddaughter to the public library. Asks to know what steps library plans to take to correct this.

December 10, 2003 . "Every time I come in here with my family there is evidence of internet porn. People watch porn here in their cubicles, the print their porn photos. Under age boys in particular I often see camping out watching porn for the max allotted time. Last week I viewed a 14-15 year old boy print 15-20 porn photos and take them into the bathroom where he remained for some time. This public library is really a porn shop in disguise. Young children and porn should be nowhere near each other. Taxpayers money could be much better spent than financing porn. Someone please call me. I want to be interviewed. I am going to press this issue."

Dec. 18, 2003-Vancouver Building. Patron using upstairs restroom and found printouts scattered around and behind the toilet. Staff noticed it was an 11 page story printed from re incest.

Dec. 30 2003 Vancouver building. Patron asked about sexually explicit materials that were left in the printout tray. He was upset.


Incident reports 2000 to 2002

March 2002 Library Board meeting at Three Creeks library. Mother informed the board of an incident with her daughter at the Vancouver Mall library. She took her teenage daughter to the library to do research on the Internet since they do not have it at home. Her daughter was seated between two men viewing pornography and printing it out. The body language of one of the men made her fear for her daughter’s safety, so she went to get her daughter and escort her outside the library. Another mother reported her young daughter had witnessed a pornographic screen on a library computer when she walked by.

3-30-00, 11:30 AM, Vancouver Community Library
Patron was using internet terminal number 4. He was observed by me putting his hand in his crotch.( his hand looked like it was in his pants or his pants pocket). His arm was continually moving. He was masturbating. Man was mid twenties. Information provided by library staff. Incident report

8-12-02 Cascade Park
Woman came in to use the Internet. She complained that the young man seated next to her using the Internet was looking at pornography and gyrating and rubbing his groin on things. Staff describe the young man as a regular at the branch. Staff observed the young man who was rocking back and forth. Staff said they could do nothing about this, he had a right to look at pornography. She then asked how long the man was signed up for, and it was a full hour. Female patron left.

Staff noted user whose Internet hour was over, but was hovering over the shoulders of young male patrons who were using the Internet. Was asked to stop. Incident report

8-28-01 As usual, when I come in to use the computer for educational, health, or research purposes there is a male at the corner terminal ( #1) looking down into the monitor with glassy eyes and a sweaty brown. It’s obvious this guy is viewing porno even before I walk over to the printer and see his porno printouts. They should exercise their porno-viewing rights at home on their own computer. I resent the use of public libraries for viewing of sexually explicit materials. There are children all around this place and I know for a fact they retrieve this smut from the trash, or accidentally , from the printer. I’m not comfortable sitting next to a strange man who’s on the brink of orgasm. I just want to use the computer in a safe environment.
A disappointed taxpayer.
Comment form

Youth accessing porn
May 12, 2000 I visited the library during my lunch hour recently to pick up a book, and as I walked by the computer area, there was a young high school boy ( apparently also on his lunch hour from the high school across the street) sitting there salivating over graphic pornography. I was disgusted at the thought of a library system thinking this is freedom of speech, while our right to live in a decent society is not a factor. Contributing to degrading behaviors and addictions is completely opposite of freedom. …As long as our library system insists on being a part of this huge problem, our family does not intend on supporting any financial aid for the library system.
Letter to the library

7-17-00- Vancouver Community Library
Adult male informed staff that a young boy who looked about 9 or 10 was looking at Internet pornography. No adults were with the child at the time.

Incident report
11-8-00 Woman complained that people can look at pornography in the library.
Comment form
Mother complained that her son witnessed another youth looking at pornography on the Internet. Informed her of filtering options. Mother noted that parents don’t know about the option.

1-5-02 Lady complained about boys she thought might be about 10-12 years old who were viewing XXX rated sites on the Internet. I told her we couldn’t do anything about it. I’m not sure how she knew what they were viewing. She was on terminal #1 and they were on #3.

1-18-02- Vancouver Community Library- Mother upset that her son had been viewing and printing pornography at the library. Wanted this stopped and chat and e-mail access limited as well. Changed the access to "none".

Incident Report
4-22-02 Patron discussed Internet problems with staff an suggested that staff use some common sense. Patron suggested that the library monitor Internet usage of a group of teenage boys on the Internet. I explained that we don’t monitor Internet usage.

Incident report
5-12-2002 Letter to library. " What possible good can a public library contribute to their community and to society by insisting on providing access to everything imaginable over the Internet?I visited the library during my lunch hour recently to pick up a book, and as I walked by the computer area, there was a young high school boy sitting there salivating over graphic pornography. I was disgusted at the thought of a library system thinking his is freedom of speech, while our right to live in a decent society is not a factor. Contributing to degrading behaviors and addictions is completely opposite of freedom. That young man is damaging his ability to build stable relationships with women and , with your help, our society is experiencing the obvious effects of fostering these kinds of habits. Access to relevant and timely information is important, but contributing to the degeneration of our society is beyond reason. Most people wouldn’t thing of patroniozing a porn store, but that’s what it feels like to go to the library. Does the library system want to be an information source or a porn site? As long as our library system insists on being a part of this huge problem, none of the four voting age members in our family intend on supporting any financial aid for the library system.


5-15-02 patron called asking questions related to pornographic materials and childrens’ access to them in the library. She asked in her nine year old child could come in and pull the material that is pornographic off the shelves and view it. She also asked if this material was kept up in the upper parts of the shelves. I explained the books were sorted by call numbers and that it’s a free access library.

6-6-02 White Salmon
Young girl looking at pornography on the Internet. Other patrons talk to her about it. Library staff inform patrons not to talk to the girls upon the advice of "Candy". Candy of FVRL explains that the man should not talk to the girls about filtering, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

Chat room complaints
8-15-00 Woman asked to speak to supervisor regarding info her daughter has received via library Internet. She presented me with one printout of nude male. Wants to block all under 18 access to pornography. Is not satisfactory to have parents put on the blocks.


Porn printouts
2 boys about 10-12 years old toss a pornographic printout to two girls of similar age on the ramp leading to the library. The girls toss it back, it lands at my feet as I’m walking into the library. Kids say they got it from the garbage can. I report it to staff and the police. I kept a copy of the printout and turned it into the library.

11-3-00 Complained that 9 year old grandchild had brought home pornographic pictures in an FVRL summer reading packet. Pictures apparently were printed from the Internet. Staff explained parents had to turn on the filter to stop access.

1-01 Let’s encourage avid porno viewers to exercise their porno-viewing rights at home on their own computers so that I don’t have to see their ejaculation photos coming out of the printer. I just had major surgery and was retrieving necessary health info. At least 2 terminals were occupied by porno viewers. Thanks.

Comment form
Patron complained that Internet #6 is printing out pornography that she accidently grabbed as her copies. She feels children going by do not need to see men ejaculating into women’s mouths. Another patron is also viewing porn. It is interfering with her use of the Internet to sit by "sexually stimulated, vulgar people". She doesn’t have a computer at home. PS Patrons can view and purchase their own porn in their own homes.

Incident report
Terminal 13 was generating stacks of paper to printer. Mother with teenage son came to desk to complain that the young man at terminal 13 was printing out "X-rated" material. She was seated at Internet terminal right by trays of network printer. The young man moved away from #13, and the large print job continued, resulting in a stack 3’ high. I attempted to interrupt the print job, but not completely successfully.
Patron a 13 or 14 year old male under the influence of alcohol

5-1-01 Ten year old girls found pornography in her printing tray, (left from previous patrons) . Child then gave material to her mother. They have chosen filtered access for their daughter.

Found a small stack of pornographic Internet printouts behind one the study cubicles in the study area. A previous time, I found a bunch of the same type of porno in a donation gin in the lobby of the library. I’m afraid a child will find them somewhere eventually.

5-1-01 Upon each visit to the library, I "happen" on pornographic printouts(in the garbage can, printer, etc).Child pornography is illegal.
Problems. 1) Children have easy access to the computers
2) safety of women and children leaving the library is important
3) All library users should be expected to use our resources more constructively and wisely.
Mother of six children, highly offended by this availability.

5-10-01- Male staff confronted user about overtime because the user was viewing and printing sexually explicit material that female staff preferred not to encounter.

 Nine year old boy has bought porn printouts from teenage library users. Adults have confiscated the materials on several occasions but it continues to be a problem. Adults became upset saying that we were getting 9 year olds hooked on pornography.

9-4-01 Patron using more that allotted time by changing to other terminals printing explicit materials on the public printer

4-21-01 I don’t think it’s right to have porn at the library where children are. As a 47 year old women I find it very offensive to look in the printer and find gross things. They shouldn’t be allowed to print porn. Thanks for listening.

Comment form
I use the Internet at the Vancouver Regional Library. Myself and a woman sitting and waiting for use of computer could see two young men using time for pornography. One of them made a stack of copies the size of a novel.

7-16-02 VCL
Patron offended by "nasty pictures" that appeared in her print tray, that she did not print.

Sexually explicit material printed from the Internet in the men’s restroom downstairs.

Pornographic screen exposure
August Library Board meeting 2002- Mother objected to fact her sons of 8 and 9 were exposed to graphic pornography at the library while walking by a terminal, even though a parent was with them. She hoped the library would take steps so that never happened to anyone else’s children.

8-2-00 Parent wrote,
" I protest the "right" to watch pornography on the Internet in the public library where children can observe. My children were with me when my 18 year old son told me that the fellow at screen 4 was watching pornography. From the information desk I looked around and saw a picture of a nude woman with her butt in the air. I could see every detail from 25-30 feet away. The "privacy" screens can be clearly seen from a child’s level. I will not feel safe bringing my 8 or 18 year old to the library unless something can be done to protect our young people."

1-23-01 I came in here today with my 14 year old daughter to get some books for her research project. As we were walking back to the check out, we had to walk by the computers that had internet use. I can’t believe what we were exposed to as we were passing by. This was a brief glimpse. We didn’t stop and look. We should not have to be exposed to this!

4-01 Adults looking up pornography while children can see.

4-6-01 Today I took my children to your library. When we walked by the computers to go look at some books, we saw something that shocked me , one of the patrons, a male was viewing hardcore porn! That certainly is not the way I would want to see our tax money spent! With porn being viewed upstairs, transients hanging around sleeping on the couches or hanging around outside, I do not feel safe going myself or taking my children to the library or going downstairs to the bathrooms.

4-6-02 I was walking thru the Internet area by terminal #4 and noticed a man looking at naked women on the terminal. I’m 6’2", 57 years old and wear glasses, but it was easy to see just glancing around to get thru the people and chairs. I object to being exposed to this kind of material. There were several youth in the area.

It is a proven fact that viewing pornography increases rape and violence toward women and children. This really saddens me and makes me mad because I really enjoy this library. I will be voting against funding the library now. I have always voted for libraries in the past, not knowing the funds were used against children and women.

6-3-02 Three Creeks Patron walked around library with a stack of sexually explicit material asking other patrons if the material belonged to them. She then brought the material to the desk and told staff she found the material in the printer. (materials attached is noted, but were not provided with the records).

8-18-02 While checking public restrooms, I found sexually explicit material printed from the Internet in the men’s restroom downstairs.
Vancouver- Reported by Rita Yowell, FVRL staff

Child pornography-3-31-01 Man reported that someone was looking at child pornography on the Internet and wanted us to call police. I reported it to Tom Taylor and talked with patron about our not monitoring or making mental judgements about what is illegal or not.

4-8-01 Patron said that he had a problem with his computer. He pointed to a page on the printer and said that it was disgusting and wanted to know when we were going to keep people from viewing stuff like that. He had complained to the circulation desk the other day about a patron viewing child porn and that nobody did anything about it. Told patron to report it if he sees it again.

5-23-02- Cascade Park Patron informs staff about concerns that child pornography and incest was being printed on the copier, just words, no pictures. Also stated that an older man was "printing pornography from the Internet". Library staff did not see the pictures.
Law enforcement

3-23-01 Corrections officer came to the library, asked if staff knew a certain local resident. Sheriff’s office had received two complaints last week regarding this patron at the library. Officer asked patron to leave the library and asked to discuss the situation. Parole officer asked to limit parolee’s access to Internet pornography. Asked what time children were in the library. Was told mainly 10:30 AM on Fridays and after school daily.

May 11, 2002 It’s interesting that I remember one of the questions I was asked at my job applicant interview was what I would do if I saw a child checking out a porno book. I was amazed that we even had it in the library. And I was told that I could not say anything or try to prevent it in anyway. Ridiculous!!!
Delores Dodson

Patron comment forms submitted in the library
Please put the filter systems on!! We need to protect our children Pornogrphy is an addiction like any other. Public agencies need to protect the children (from viewing it and from the people who view it & pray on our children and young people.) Comment form

1-12-01 "Free access ( unfiltered access) at the public library is unacceptable! Parents assume that they can trust the library to limit minors. I had no idea that my child could access and print off porn at the local library. Parents are not aware that they must take steps to prevent children getting exposure to this garbage. Children should not have access to chat rooms, sex sights, foul language etc. Why should the public pay for anyone to view this garbage?

1-12-2001 Children (under 18 years) should not be allowed to see and order sent to home materials which are sexually explicit without a parents’ signature beforehand.

No date People using pornographic web sites with young people all around them is inappropriate and should be banned. I don’t like children to be exposed to this.

1-22-02 Three Creeks Branch.Why is pornographic material so easily accessible to children???? It should not be out so openly.

April or May 2002- Vancouver Mall branch- I appreciate the use of the library, but am appalled at the use of library Internet computers for pornography in the same time and place as great sources for books and learning for my children. It is inappropriate.

May 20, 2002- FVRL cannot afford more than two computers for Internet use, yet you can afford to make available pornography? Your policy has wasted yet more of my limited resources, my limited time and my every thinner patience… People not being able to use library resources costs your patrons.

5-29-02- Three Creeks Patron complains about hard core pornography available to public. Library staff had informed her that the same materials available in "porn shops" were available in the library. Expressed concern that patrons might not know the library makes this available, or know about filtering options.


Incident reports 1998 to 1999

1-23-98- White Salmon- Vancouver Juvenile Rehab counselor came to library with juvenile client to have the teen client tell me what he has been looking at on internet, and that the counselor was not allowing the teen to use Internet any more. I explained our policies and let her (counselor) know that library staff could not police who used internet. (pornography was the issue)

2-10-98 Cascade Park; somebody called and said a teacher is being harassed by a student via his hotmail account from FVRL internet. She said students are not allowed to use hotmail at PJH. I told her that because of confidentiality that I could give out no information …

-25 and 26-98 Goldendale- Irate mother whose daughter, age 10 had been shown Playboy homepage by a friend on the Internet yesterday. Declared she would not allow her daughter in the library anymore and that she believed it to be a crime to show a minor pornography.

After several prior incidents (or co-incidences) of sperm being found by staff in the restroom on the floor after a particular set of brothers have been using the Internet and restroom, I approached one of the patrons, asked him to my office, and told him that we had seen a pattern of sperm and his internet use. After examining his hands for an extended period of time, I said that ejaculation was an inappropriate activity in the library.

3-2-98 Vancouver- Heavy set teen opened several sessions of a porno site on Internet Terminal #2. Patron using the terminal didn’t know how to get rid of these sessions. I had to close down each session to remove them. In the meantime, another patron, a young teen, was sitting by this terminal watching and smiling.

3-8-98 Woodland.-Patron called to ask about out policy on Internet use. Her 3 children had commented on a fellow student who had been surfing "porno sites" on the library’s Internet terminal prior to their using it. He wondered how someone under age could participate in something that was pornographic, persons engaging in oral sex. I explained our policy.

3-9-98 Called the Battleground library to say the privacy screen on the Internet does not work. She and her children walk by it and see things they do not want to see. She said she has reduced the library time use in half and friends are choosing not to come into the library. She said they would not support funding a larger library because of the Internet policy which allows children to view anything. She said it is so hard to hear people working on the desk at the library saying that it is not their responsibility to monitor what kids are doing on the internet. That seems so awful to her.

3-12-98 White Salmon -Female patron asked to talk to me in private. She said she was very embarrassed. She had been on the Internet yesterday, and when she tried to go to a site, pornography would flash up. She said it really embarrassed her and caught her off guard. She said some kids had been on before her, and was concerned about youth viewing pornography. She also said she had overheard kids at the local youth center talking about pictures they had seen on the Internet at the library. She asked about filters an I explained our policy and told her about filtered search engines.

3-15-98 Vancouver Main- Woman came up to info desk. She was with her daughter on Pal and they could see the Internet screen from where they were. Someone was looking at porn, and she felt the patron at the Internet was too young to be looking at that. I explained that the library did not stand as parents. Also, the patron at Internet was not causing a disturbance, so he was not violating rules of patron behavior.

3-24 98 Cascade Park- Mother browsing Adult fiction came to desk to complain that a minor was viewing pornography. I spoke to the minor and reminded him to be judicious about what he brought up on the screen. Gave the patron copy "Patrons’ Opinion of library materials".

6-15-98 Letters in support of clean Internet 3 in addition to public testimony in support of clean Internet. Letters to the editor also supported clean Internet.

6-17-98 Patron said she didn’t want to support a library that provided porn.

7-22-98 Patron registered complaint with the library evening of July 21. (left written comments). Patron was upset about material viewed by a man at the Internet terminal, and the fact that she could easily see what he was viewing, and that there were minor children close to him that could also have seen the materials. She consulted with the Vancouver Police who apparently agreed with her that the library may have a liability for contributing to the delinquency of minors by having a situation where they could be exposed to pornography. Was deeply troubled by situation where children can see sexually explicit materials.

8-6-98 Vancouver Mall- Woman called to see if her son was using the Internet. Her son is not supposed to use the Internet and she wasn’t able to be with her son. Her son looks up pornography on the net. She also mentioned that he had been convicted of something and was on probation. I said that we were very busy here and that there was no way we could keep track of each child or teen who came in. Referred her to the business office.

9-9-98 Vancouver Mall-Woman called to tell me that a piece of scrap paper provided at the library to write down call numbers had pornography on it. Her daughter grade 4 or 6, had used it for a bookmark. It was a photographic image of a woman sodomizing a man. Patron assumed it came from the Internet.

9-21-98 Vancouver Mall- Irate patron wanted to know if son had been on Internet.

11-30-98 Goldendale Two young teen boys tried to use Internet for school project. Previous user had accessed pornographic sites which kept coming up even after computer had been retuned to "home". Every time boys tried to open a search engine or URL, another porn window appeared.

12-10-98 Patron asked for help on the Internet- it seemed stuck. Pornography came up on the screen. Staff got it back to home page. Patron then brought a pornography printout and said that it had been coming out of the printer when he started.

1-14-99 Vancouver mall- Patron came up gesturing and pointing toward Internet. I was on phone and helping 2 waiting patrons. Afterwards, I went to find her. She asked, " Can they really look at pornography? I explained about the privacy screens.

2-24-99 Vancouver main Asked to talk with an administrator about concerns related to Internet use. He had walked past an Internet Terminal and noticed graphical material of a sexual nature. He was concerned about children being exposed. He did not want his children exposed to what someone else is viewing.

4-23-99 INTERNET PORNOGRAPHY! My children walked up to the Internet computers and were subjected to a live sex show left on screen by a previous viewer. I don’t believe the Internet should be allowed in the library until a fool proof filter is secured for our children’s sake. I will not support this as a voting taxpayer. Patron has 2 sons, aged 9 and 3.

5-19-99 Patron’s main concern was Internet access for minors. That we must have filters and monitor children’s use of the Internet. I gave him a copy of policy.

5-25-99 Woodland- Patron objected to having young adults in the library viewing pornography on the Internet. Her children could see it from the water cooler. I mentioned that we had an upstairs restroom where her children could obtain water. Stated that the presence of the Internet might curtail her family’s library use.

5-25-99 Battleground- Regarding a month old complaint, follow up. She had visited the library with her children and they used the Internet and came on a pornography site. I told her about the filtering option.

6-7-99 Mother and 12 year old son came to info desk to report their displeasure at seeing smut on the Internet. Showed her how to shut down previous user’s search.

6-21-99 Patron at Internet viewed another patron viewing "offensive material". Patron asked if anyone could view anything, and I explained policy and provided

7-28-99 While in front of information center, I saw screen of a patron who was viewing extremely hardcore pornography. Place filters on library terminals such as recommended in the Children’s Internet Protection Act.

8-18-99 As a person over 40, it was very uncomfortable and almost impossible to see the computer screen when I used the Internet recently. Could one computer be raised to a normal desk position?

8-31-99 Vancouver Main Parent came in very upset. Her young teenage children were on the Internet today. Sitting next to them was a man they said was pulling up pornography on the screen and masturbating. The kids did not tell anybody until they got home. The mother wanted to know what we could do. I explained the policy. I told her we would have called the police if they had told somebody. It happened between 2-5pm.

9-30-99- Cascade Park. While in the process of logging off Internet, patron approached me and said that while in a teen chat room, some nasty pictures had appeared on the screen. She said she didn’t know where the pictures came from.

10-19-99 Vancouver Main -Patron saw pornography on Internet and complained. Staff explained policy and that libraries had blocked sites had been taken to court and lost, and that it had taken a lot of taxpayers’ money.

10-99 Cascade Park- Woman in her 60’s was using Internet. Got porno pictures- teen sex when she tried to do a search. She was concerned for herself and for children. I explained some ways to avoid the pictures. Also explained how it was not the library’s right to determine what teens search on Internet.


 Incident Reports 1996 - 1998

Vancouver, WA
 6-28-96 -Boy & girl 10 & 12 viewing porn, older man points it out to the mother. She defends her son. Police contacted:

3-97 Boy 10 -12 years old viewing porn. Patron comment : "I object to public funds going to this poor use. Can anything be done?"

7-10-97- Boy 14 who has committed a sex offense. Mother feels he uses the internet for stimulation. She has seen what he has printed. She wants him to have no access at any branch. Father is ill, and mother works full time and cannot know where he is every minute.

7-10-96-Stations side by side. Boy, about 10, viewing porn, commenting aloud to friends. Patron:Older man registers complaint. Library: "He has the right to look up what he wants, and others have the right to be offended."

7-17-97- Patron exiting screen and porn pops onto screen. Library: Bookmarks may have created the problem. Library tries to delete bookmarks to manage the situation.

8-29-97-Boy 14 uses internet to get porn. He is on probation and was in jail this summer. Mother was especially upset since he had gotten a book from U of Montana that had pictures of naked children & adults. She returned it. He is a jr. high school student, and both parents work. Library:Agreed to cancel the card.

10-21-97- 7:30 PM -Girl at other internet terminal was in adult chat room.

Patron: School teacher - notified the desk. Library: different than school. We don’t interfere. Patron: Would library interfere if an adult were interfering with a child? Library: Of course. Can’t interfere with the internet though.

11-5-97-Evening- two preteen boys printed out porn from the internet. One motioned a patrons 6 year old daughter who was at the check out with her mom to come over. He gave her a porn printout of a scantily clad woman with bare breasts in an inviting position. She returned with the picture to show it to her mom.

5 -28-97-White Salmon - Boy approx. 14 viewing porn.Woman and her young son walked past and were exposed to it. The boy at the computer said he was just hitting the back button & it came up. Patron: Asked about policy for minors on the internet. Unhappy. Library:"I explained that we have no control over what is on the internet, that we do not restrict access, and that we believe it is the parent's responsibility, not ours to monitor their children. "

6-6-97 White Salmon-12 year old boy viewing porn. Patron." Does the library approve of this?Doesn’t a child need a permission slip? Does the library approve of this?" Library: "Ft. Vancouver Regional Library does not approve or disapprove."

10-18-97- White Salmon. Boy printed porn on the internet. Patron: mother. Realized her responsibility as a parent, but thought that it was inappropriate material for kids to get at the library. Other patron joins- uncomfortable with porn being easily accessible to children. Library: I explained our policies and talked about censorship.

6-18-97- Cascade Park, no incident report, but a news article in the Columbian, June 18, 1997, "Teen Ogling Cybersmut Riles Library Patron". Boy gawking at porn in the library, 3 year old girl walks by and looks at the screen. Patron:She has no qualms about people looking at smut all they want at home, but she would like to see public access to it restricted. "I was shocked, and I don’t get shocked easily. It’s too open and there are too many young people in the library". She says she has no qualms about people looking at smut all they want at home, but she would like to see public access to it restricted. Library, Candace Morgan, Chair of the Freedom to Read Foundation of the ALA in a the article:"The courts say that you can't limit someone's First Amendment rights if someone sees something they find offensive" And kids enjoy the same First Amendment rights adult do. Morgan says some people are aware of the law's tenuous position, but many also believe kids can't look at porn because commercial vendors, such as mini-marts and newsstands, restrict the sale of porn magazines and material to people 18 years old and up. In reality, that's not the law in action, rather a restriction they enforce as private entities, she says. The computers are so popular that patrons must sign up on waiting lists to take their turn, she says. Full story can be found via the Proquest database at the library website.

"Teen Ogling Cybersmut Riles Library Patron". Columbian 6-18-97

4-22-97 Ridgefield- boy , approx. 13 years old looking at pics of naked women. Patron comment: "Children should not be allowed to view naked women or men on Internet at a public library. .. This is a very poor use of library funds and very offensive."

3-9-98 Woodland Patrons 3 children comment on a fellow student who had been surfing porno sites on the library internet terminal prior to their using it. (pornographic- persons engaging in oral sex) Library: Explained the policy

FVRL employee resigns

One staff who quit their job rather that provide pornography to minors. "Although I enjoy my job and am told I do it well, I feel I have no choice but to resign due to my religious moral beliefs where providing pornography or sexually explicit materials to minors is concerned."