Life Issues / Family Ethics Political Action Committee of Southwest Washington

2010 Information For Candidates

    Submitting Survey Responses

Dear Candidate,

LifePac asks that you consider using our website as a means of communicating with voters who consider the respect of all human life at every stage an important election issue.  You can do this by answering the survey questions below, or instead you may prefer composing your own letter addressing some of the themes from the survey for posting on our website.  Either way, you are providing an important service to voters by helping them make informed election decisions regarding respect-life issues. 

We'll verify the authenticity of submissions received before posting.  Please use your campaign website email or your county elections department registered email address if possible.  Edits to refine your positions are always welcome, and you can have your response removed at any time.  If you are a Southwest Washington candidate from a race LifePac has not included on its election page, but would like information posted, let us know.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Email your response to:

Website Statistics from January  1,  2010  to  Aug 20,  2010  

2010 Surveys

Federal State Judicial
County Commissioner                              County Office
You may also want to consider candidate submissions from past elections:  04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09