Candidate Survey Response:
These answers came to Life PAC
indirectly from a viewer in Stevenson. Mr. Banks has
given permission to post them here.
1. Do you
believe that a unique human life begins at conception?
If not, when?
Yes, I believe that a
unique human life begins at conception.
2. Do you
believe that the state has a compelling interest in
protecting human life beginning at conception?
I believe that the state has an absolute duty to
protect human life, as of conception
3. Is taking
the life of a pre-born child through abortion ever
morally permissible?
Your third question is the most difficult one to
answer. It is an issue that I have struggled with
many times. I believe that if the pregnancy is life
threatening to the mother, that an abortion would be
morally permissible.
4. Do you
oppose federal funding for embryonic stem cell research
or cloning?
Yes, I oppose any funding for embryonic stem cell
research, and cloning.
5. Do you
oppose the availability of physician assisted suicide?
Yes, I oppose physician assisted suicide.
6. Do you
oppose laws that change the definition of marriage to
include homosexual relationships?
Yes, I oppose
homosexual "marriages".
7. Should
doctors, nurses, and pharmacists have the right
to refuse to participate in medical services that
violate their moral, ethical, or religious beliefs?
Yes, doctors, nurses and pharmacists should have the
right to refuse to treat anyone.
8. Do you
support only sex education that is wholesome and
safe, not dehumanizing and pornographic?
I think that sex education is best handled by
parents, not the school system. I also am against
the school system teaching our children about
"alternative life styles".