Gallup: Where Do Americans Stand on Abortion?, July

Gallup's Post Dobbs Poll on Abortion, May 2023
June 2021
Gallup Poll: 52% of Americans Want All or Most Abortions
Made Illegal
Gallup has
released new National polling data on
the issue of abortion and the results show continued
pro-life sentiment across the Untied States as a majority of
people say they oppose all or most abortions as Americans
have said for years.
Typically the Gallup poll has found in
majority of Americans oppose all or most abortions even
though some Americans who technically take a pro-life
position opposing abortion wrongly think they are supposedly
In the past, the Gallup survey has found for many years that
roughly half or just over half of Americans oppose all or
almost all abortions. The newest polling data is no
Gallup found 52% of Americans take
a pro-life position on abortion wanting all (19%) or almost
all 33% abortions made illegal. That’s a decline of 3% from its
2020 poll.
Jul 2019
New Gallup Poll Shows More Americans Say They’re Pro-Life
Than Pro-Abortion, Michael New, PH.D. JUL
2, 2019
Last week, Gallup released its annual public-opinion
poll on abortion policy,
and its results contain some good news for abortion
opponents. According to the survey, a plurality of Americans
now identify as pro-life, with 49 percent of respondents
calling themselves “pro-life,” and 46 percent calling
themselves “pro-choice.” This is the first Gallup poll since
2013 in which a higher percentage of respondents identified
as “pro-life” rather than “pro-choice.” The new survey also
found that the percentage of Americans who think abortion
should either be “illegal in all circumstances” or “legal in
only a few circumstances” increased
from 53 to 60 percent between 2018 and 2019.
A Gallup
poll conducted in May,
meanwhile, found that the percentage of Americans who
consider abortion immoral reached 50 percent for the first
time since 2012.
MAY 29, 2015
Gallup Poll Spin Article:
Americans Choose "Pro-Choice" for First Time in Seven Years
Article focus' on self labels, but
table below shows accurately the people's position:

by Steven Ertelt |
| 5/10/13 10:27 AM
With the murder trial of abortion practitioner Kermit
Gosnell in full swing, a new Gallup poll of Americans
nationwide find well over half oppose all or virtually all
Gallup’s annual Values
and Beliefs poll, conducted May 2-7, find 58 percent of
Americans want either all or almost all abortions illegal —
with 20% saying it should be illegal in all circumstances
and 38% favoring it in only in a few circumstances.
Just 39 percent of Americans support all or most abortions
remaining legal, with only 26% of Americans favoring
legalized abortion under any circumstances (the position of
Planned Parenthood and President Barack Obama) and 13%
favoring legality under most circumstances.
Read more ...
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 4/8/13
4:49 PM
The results
of a new national poll reveal 53 percent of Americans take
one of three positions opposing all or virtually all
The National Right to Life Committee
commissioned a nationwide survey from the Polling Company, a
firm that conducted a survey February 28-March 3 with 1,000
respondents and a 3.1% margin of error.
The poll found 47 percent of Americans
identify themselves as pro-life while 49 percent say they
“pro-choice” on abortions. But when respondents are asked to
identify exactly where they stand on abortion, using a list
of six different positions, those two labels are shown as
not representative of where Americans really stand on
Most Americans oppose abortion for most
reasons, the Polling Company survey found:
Abortion should be prohibited in all
circumstances: 11% Abortion should be legal only to save
the life of the mother: 14% Abortion should be legal only
to save the life of the mother, or in cases of rape or
incest: 28%
Abortion should be legal for any reason
but not after the first three months of pregnancy: 20%
Abortion should be legal for any reason but not after the
first 6 months of pregnancy: Abortion should be legal for
any reason at any time during a woman’s pregnancy: 12%
Read more ...
CNN has released the results of a new poll showing a
majority of Americans want all or most abortions prohibited
— a clear pro-life majority.
The survey asked: “Do you think abortion should be legal
under any circumstances, legal under only certain
circumstances, or illegal in all circumstances?” Some 62
percent want abortions illegal in all cases or legal only in
certain instances while just 35% want abortions legal for
any reason ...
May 23, 2012
by Lydia Saad
PRINCETON, NJ -- The 41% of Americans
who now identify themselves as "pro-choice" is down from
47% last July and is one percentage point below the
previous record low in Gallup trends, recorded in May
2009. Fifty percent now call themselves "pro-life," one
point shy of the record high, also from May 2009.
Abortion, Affairs, Polygamy,
Cloning, Suicide on List of Morally Wrong Behaviours
Gallup Poll conducted via telephone interviews with 1,003 American
adults, from May 10 to May 13, 2007.
NEW YORK, June 5, 2007 ( - A large
majority of adults in the United States believe four specific behaviours are
unprincipled, according to a poll by Gallup released by USA Today. 91 per
cent of respondents believe married men and women having an affair is
morally wrong, while 90 per cent feel the same way about polygamy.
Cloning humans is next on the list of perceived immoral behaviours with 86
per cent, followed by suicide with 78 per cent, cloning animals with 59 per
cent, and abortion with 51 per cent (with 40% finding it acceptable).
Conversely, more than 60 per cent of respondents think the death penalty,
divorce, "medical research using stem cells obtained from human embryos" and
gambling are morally acceptable.
Pre-marital sex is thought to be acceptable by 59% and wrong by 38%. Having
a baby outside of marriage is seen as wrong by 42% but acceptable by 54%.
Acceptability of doctor-assisted suicide was found at 49% with 44% believing
it wrong. The study also found that Americans are nearly evenly split on
acceptability of "homosexual relations" with a slight majority (49%)
believing such relationships wrong and 47% suggesting the behaviour as
The survey was conducted via telephone interviews with 1,003 American
adults, from May 10 to May 13, 2007. The margin of error is 3 per cent.
Respondents were asked, "Next, I'm going to read you a list of issues.
Regardless of whether or not you think it should be legal, for each one,
please tell me whether you personally believe that in general it is morally
acceptable or morally wrong."
(with files from Angus Reid Global Monitor)
Polls Find 63% Americans back
Abortion Restrictions and 51% Back Same-Sex “Marriage” Ban
By Peter J. Smith
UNITED STATES, January 26, 2007 (
– Two recent polls taken in January indicate that a majority of Americans
are in favour of restrictions on abortion and for banning same-sex
“marriage”, reports Angus Reid Global Monitor.
According to a poll by CBS News, 63% believe there should be restrictions on
abortion, while 31% believe it should be permitted in all cases. The poll
interviewed 1,168 American adults and has a 3% margin of error.
Of those in favour of greater restrictions, 30% believe abortion should be
permitted only in cases such as rape, incest and to save the woman’s life,
12% say just to save a woman’s life, and 5% say not at all.
A poll of 1,005 American adults by the Associated Press and Ipsos-Public
Affairs show that 51% of Americans are in favour of a law banning gay
“marriage” and requiring that marriage should be between a man and a woman.
45% said they were opposed to such a law, with 4% refusing to answer or not