11. New Business
A. Approval of the Revision to Policy 2125,
Sexual Health Education
Troy McCoy asked Ms. Lambert to restate her
motion and how she would like the policy
Ms. Lambert moved to revise Policy 2125: The
Battle Ground Public Schools Board of
Directors is authorized by law to determine
whether sexual health education instruction
will be offered in the district. The board
has determined that such a program will not
be offered to students, consistent with
state law.
Ms. Lambert suggested striking out the
remainder of the policy.
The Board referenced Policy 2125. There was
discussion whether to amend or eliminate the
policy; and if the policy was amended, what
curriculum would be used to meet state law?
In addition, discussion on fifth grade human
growth and development occurred, which is
considered a sexual health standard.
Amended Motion by Tina Lambert: The Battle
Ground Public Schools Board of Directors is
authorized by law to determine whether
sexual health education instruction will be
offered in the district. The board has
determined that such a program will not be
offered to students, except for fifth
grade Human Growth and Development, and what
is required by state law.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries: 3-2
Aye: Monty Anderson, Rob Henrikson, Tina
Nay: Troy McCoy, Mark Watrin