HLP = Human Life PAC Endorsed  
Ab = Abortion LBC = Life Begins at Conception RA = Religious Affiliation
AC = Artificial Contraception LP = Library Porn RM = Recreational Marijuana
CC = Conscience Clauses M = Marriage Preservation RvW = Roe v. Wade Reversal
CP = Capital Punishment MSR = Mainstream Republican SCl = School Clinics
CPC = Comm Preg Centers N = Naral SCh = School Choice
CSE = Comprehensive Sex Ed NRTL = National Right to Life SOB = Sex Oriented Business
DS = Disordered Sexuality NWPC = National Women's Political Caucus TFA = Taxpayer Funding of Abortion
EC = Emergency Contraception P = Poverty UR = Ultrasounds Required
EL = Emily's List PAS = Physician Assisted Suicide UVV = Unborn Victims of Violence
ESC = Embryonic Stem Cells PD = Public Decency  
FI = Family Involvement PM = Progressive Majority    = Winner
GI = Gender Ideology PP = Planned Parenthood * = Incumbent
HC = Human Cloning R/I = Rape / Incest Exception
HLA = Human Life Amendment PBA = Partial Birth Abortion