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Color coding ranges from green (good) in three shades, through yellow (caution) to three shades of red (bad).  Lighter shades in assessment codes indicate mixed positions or dated information.  Gray means issue is not assessed or is unclear.  Coding applies only to the information presented, and does not indicate an endorsement or opposition from Life PAC unless explicitly stated.


General election is Tuesday, November 2nd.  Ballots mailed Wednesday, October 13th.


A Life PAC recommendation means the candidate is either the most pro life, the least pro abortion, or is an unknown candidate running against a known pro abortion candidate.


Submit your anonymous tips and comments here.  Include an email address for a reply.


Click here to see the election information below in a new window.

Information for Candidates
Survey Questions: Federal / State / Judicial /
County Commissioner / County Office

Election Dept's, Voter Guides and Election Results

State / Clark C. / Cowlitz C. / Skamania C.

Life PAC Pages for Past Elections
04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 Primary

Printable Life PAC Recommendations


District/Precinct Locator   Statewide Map

Candidate Assessment Codes: Dated information is indicated with lighter shades in assessment codes.  Click on links below for further information about the issue.
Ab = Abortion HLP = Human Life PAC RA = Religious Affiliation
Abf = Abortifacients LBC = Life Begins at Conception RvW = Roe v. Wade Reversal
CC = Conscience Clauses LP = Library Porn SCl = School Clinics
CP = Capital Punishment MP = Marriage Preservation SCh = School Choice
CSE = Comprehensive Sex Ed NRL = National Right to Life SOB = Sex Oriented Business
EC = Emergency Contraception P = Poverty TF = Taxpayer Funding of Abortion
ESC = Embryonic Stem Cells PAS = Physician Assisted Suicide UR = Ultrasounds Required
FI = Family Involvement PP = Planned P'hood Contracts UVV = Unborn Victims of Violence
HC = Human Cloning R/I = Rape / Incest Exception = Winner
HLA = Human Life Amendment PBA = Partial Birth Abortion * = Incumbent     Open Info In A New Window

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If this information has helped you with your vote, please Donate a few dollars now to help Life PAC with its candidate research work.

Life Issues / Family Ethics Political Action Committee

of Southwest Washington